I was born at a young age and never really got much older. At church I lead the music for the children and I think the reason I am so successful is that I’m really still a kid myself. (Never mind I am in my 30s) I try to maintain my childlike enthusiasm and curiosity, though I’m sure my wife thinks I just have no ability to focus.
I am married and have 1 daughter and one on the way. My wife struggles with bipolar disorder and ADD (though there is enough overlap that it’s hard to be sure) which leads to some very interesting challenges and learning experiences. I like to share what I learn about mental health and my wife’s mental illnesses.
I got my first job the summer before I started high school working as a chiropractic assistant and finally officially left 8 years later. I worked in healthcare IT for several years, then as a software engineer for several after that. For a month in there I worked 2 full-time engineering jobs and went to school. It was brutal. Now I fly for the US Air Force because why not?
Software Engineering is probably one of my favorite careers, to the point where I still do it even with an unbelievably demanding job. My dad was a computer person, so my first exposure to software development was as a kid reading a C book he had. My first “professional” development work was debugging a web site my brother was working on while I was in high school. I picked up Go in 2014 to build Showlet while working at Keen Logic Consulting, and have never put down programming (or Go) since then. It’s definitely my langauge of choice. I worked in C a little at one job and would not do it again. I have a fair amount of experience with Javascript/Node, Flutter, and a touch of Ruby, but I would definitely characterize myself as a Go engineer. I don’t do design and prefer to avoid any design-related work where possible. I’m just not very good at it.
I am also extremely enthusiastic about dog training. That’s about it there, but I’m sure you’ll read about it at some point on here. I swear it has taught me more about parenting than almost anything else.