Admin Days

· 152 words · 1 minute read

You know what is exhausting? Admin days. Yesterday’s “time block” focus was administrative things, mostly related to selling our house. I want to say it’s just because it was home selling and insurance claims (hail damage to the roof) that it was so painful, stressful, and exhausting, but I’m not sure it is. Administrative things tend to deal with bureaucracy, which are complicated for their own sake. After all, the only way to ensure job security for bureaucracy is to make it complex.

So for dealing with it, the only real option is probably to hold your nose and close your eyes. However, the lesson learned here is to make sure my business and and personal processes don’t build up that kind of complexity and bureaucracy.

Apologies for the lack of posting this weekend, we had some big family stuff come up that left me with 0 energy or brain space for

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