Aim Big, Miss Big

· 213 words · 1 minute read

When I was learning aerial refueling, a phrase I heard a lot was “aim small, miss small”, meaning if you aim to inches, you’ll miss by inches or less. It’s a really important concept when you’re flying 6 feet from another airplane.

When I was talking over our big real estate goal, I thought of this. It didn’t fit as is for what we were looking at, but the inverse did - Aim Big, Miss Big. Maybe it’s just Texas rubbing off on me, but it works either way.

If we have a goal of buying a house this year, I might miss that goal and buy a house shortly after the end of the year. Or if our goal is $300/month of rental income we might only get $150. If we make a small goal, we’ll maybe get a small result if we miss. Very rarely will you miss above your goal.

But what if our goal is $300,000 of rental income in a year? What if we miss that? Sure we may only get $150 still, but if we’re actually working toward that goal we are much more likely to miss somewhere on the order of thousands or tens of thousands.

So dream big, work hard, and make something good happen.

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