Business in Faith

· 397 words · 2 minute read

I just watched this video about Saddleback Leather Company (I also bought my first item from them yesterday) and I really feel the sentiment they share. I particularly liked Suzette’s comment “I really don’t understand why your faith has to be separate.”

I hear people talk about this idea at church sometimes, referencing Alma chapter 34 with verses like “Cry over the flocks of your fields, that they may increase.” Clearly this is a call to pray for help in your business pursuits. I like that idea, but I always struggle with it in practice. Part of it is that I am extremely uncomfortable with public prayer at work for various reasons. Part of it is that most examples of prayer given, especially in the Latter-day Saint tradition, are super stuffy and formal.

Dave’s quote gave me a great example of how to alleviate that: “God, would you help make this bag the coolest bag ever? I want this to be the greatest coolest bag and I want you to get more glory from this bag than any other bag that has ever existed on this planet.” There is nothing stuffy about that. There’s also nothing sacrilegious. So instead of “bless my business to succeed,” I can say something like “I have no idea how to design a web site that people will like, but you do, so I’d really appreciate some help making a site that people will love to use.” There’s some more exploring to do around sincere and comfortable prayer, but that’s a different matter.

Here’s the thing: I know a lot about running a business. In theory. I’ve helped start and run businesses that have become reasonably successful, but I’ve never had one of my own be successful. I especially have not had a software product have even the tiniest measure of success. So I can confidently say I don’t actually know the first thing about making a successful software business. But you know who does? God does. So why don’t I ask? Why don’t I have Him teach me how to build a software product people will love, and a business that will change the world for the better? Seems pretty aligned with His interests, doesn’t it?

So that’s what I’m going to do. Dream big, work hard, and have God show me how to make it succeed.

Let’s get to work!

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