Miracle Notary

· 185 words · 1 minute read

The closing for selling our last house was on Thursday, and I haven’t been able to do the paperwork because work has kept me nonstop busy. So I was determined today to get the paperwork completed and mailed out. I was going to go to the UPS store and get a notary there, but they had no appointments. I called the library and they said they would have a notary there at 3, but when I went they were not. The notary at the title company we worked with here in Little Rock was not available, but suggested a traveling notary that she had worked with before. She didn’t answer the phone. I texted her, but didn’t get a response.

As I was texting my realtor to tell her I wouldn’t be able to get the paperwork signed, the traveling notary texted me back! We drove half an hour to meet her, but we got the paperwork signed. She turned out to be the absolute sweetest old lady, and even pointed me to the nearest FedEx drop box. Paperwork complete, thanks to our miracle notary.

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