Friday as I left class I knew I was getting sick. I had that pre-congestion feeling in my sinuses and was really worried I was catching the cold the girls had the previous week. That night I was miserable, feeling congested and mildly nauseated all night. Every of the many times I woke up I said a little prayer that if I was getting sick it would be over quickly. I didn’t want to lose a week of training because I had this never ending sniffles and coughing the girls had.
It wasn’t pleasant but I did get the answer to my prayers. I woke up Saturday feeling pretty tired and achy with that annoying skin sensitivity that comes with being sick. Around dinner time my wife gave me a kiss and commented with surprise that I felt like I was on fire. When I got a thermometer (I had to get a battery because the oldest had played with the thermometer and killed it) I had a fever of 103°. The rest of the night was pretty miserable until I fell asleep. I didn’t sleep well though. I woke up every hour sweating no matter how little I had on in terms of blankets.
When I woke up in the morning I felt great. I haven’t had any problems since.
Sunday night, my wife starting feeling sick. So apparently I hadn’t just reacted differently to the same sickness. We prayed that she would be able to take care of the little ones since I had to go to work the next day. When we woke up in the morning she was completely exhausted and didn’t even wake up until 10, though we had gone to bed a little early Sunday night. I took care of both the girls right up until I had to leave. About 15 minutes before I walked out the door my wife got up feeling a lot better (probably about how I was Sunday).
Miracles are so awesome, and sometimes they are things that might seem small to other people. But being brutally sick for a short period was exactly what we needed.
So that’s why I’ve been silent for a while: we were experiencing miracles 😀